let’s talk
If you have a project you’d like to discuss or you just have a few questions about the wonder of words, you can contact me by using the below from.
Alternatively, email me directly at jaclyn.r.arndt [at] gmail.com.
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get a quote
To get a quote, tell me a little bit about your project, including the subject matter, the length (in words), and how fast you need it back. If you can include a sample page or two, even better!
Discounts are available for students and independent practitioners. In the spirit of time banking, a trade could be the order of the day in certain situations.
Front page: Maria Fusco, Give Up Art (New Documents, 2018) // Trevor Paglen and Jacob Appelbaum, Autonomy Cube (Edith-Russ-Haus for Media Art, Revolver, 2016)
About page: Hotel Theory Reader (Fillip, 2017)
Editing page: Hotel Theory Reader (Fillip, 2017) // Bas Jan Ader: Discovery File 143/76 (New Documents, 2017) // Szabolcs KissPál, From Fake Mountains to Faith (Hungarian Trilogy) (Edith-Russ-Haus for Media Art, Revolver, 2018) // Maria Fusco, Give Up Art (New Documents, 2018) // Jumana Manna, A Small Big Thing (Henie Onstad Kunstsenter, Sternberg, 2018)
Photography & Web Design by Wendy Wan